[Request] Improvement to lesson find+replace


I have a frustrating issue with some lessons I regularly import and clean. For whatever reason, the source text has invisible special characters in the middle of words that count as a space to LingQ. This is fine. I can spot them by how the highlighting splits. My issue comes with replacing them.

Currently I have to:

  • Go into the lesson editor
  • Paste the invisible character into the ‘find’ box
  • Add a ‘#’ symbol in the ‘replace’ box, then replace all
  • Use Ctrl+F on my browser to find every ‘#’ and manually delete it

This is because the ‘replace’ box doesn’t allow replacing with nothing. In Microsoft word, I can do this to remove strings I don’t want. I would love if LingQ could do the same so I don’t have to go through this process each time – especially as some of the manual edits don’t get saved for some reason.

And no, I can’t easily preformat the text before pasting it in (I’m pasting correct text into an audio lesson). If I just removed all formatting, I’d lose all the italics etc. If I tried a similar process in Word or something, it would be hard to find the special character to begin with because it’s completely invisible without word highlighting, unless you pay close attention while running through every word with your cursor.

Many thanks.

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Thanks for your feedback, I’ll forward to our team and we’ll see what we can do.


Thank you! Hopefully it’s an easy one to implement :slight_smile: