The refresh translation button does not work with at least all of the LingQ created lessons that I’ve tried so far. I’ve tried the first 3 mini stories in both Japanese and Portuguese and some other random LingQ created lessons in both languages.
Specifically, your backend returns a 403 when I try and refresh the translation. A specific url for one of these failed requests is
I tried to refresh the translation on a few lessons that I imported, and those worked fine. In my limited testing it seems specific to LingQ provided lessons.
I am referring to the button that is used to fetch another translation after the initial translation is shown. It is the first feature mentioned in this video.
I have done some more digging and my guess is that refreshing translations is not supported for the lessons created by LingQ. I say this because on both the Android and iOS apps the refresh button is hidden on lessons created by LingQ, but it is visible and working correctly for imported lessons.
My guess is that whatever logic is used to hide the button on the mobile apps is not working correctly on the web app.