Reflection On My First 90 Days in Learnint Korean

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Ich bin dein Vater und ich bin sehr stolz auf deine Leistungen in Koreanisch. Mach’s gut, mein lieber Sohn :wink:

To be honest, my parents have no idea that I have taken control of learning Korean. Also, my father has no clear understanding that my goals are different than his.

Nice writeup. Here’s a site I recommend:

These videos come with Korean closed captions and can be imported into LingQ (use the extension). Good luck!

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Thank you Eric! I appreciate it! I will use them!

I liked your post and congratulations on the progress. Also where did you find the Warcraft 3 cutscenes etc in Korean? Also I don’t know if you would be interested but at they have a bunch of World of Warcraft books and comics translated into Spanish for free.

Comics?! I saw a few of them myself. I played Warcraft 3 for over a decade, but I am still an amateur. I am always trying to study replays and try to see the mistakes of other players and implement strategies.

It is on Youtube. 워크래프트3 컷신.