
Hi everybody,

I am starting to use referrals and I have a question related to that.

If a new user signs up through my referral link and becomes a paying customer are they going to get some kind of bonus as in other platforms? e.g. one month free, 10 % discount, 20 dollar credit for LingQ subscription etc.?

Because if this was not the case and there was no bonus, the people I recommend LingQ to would have no incentive to visit the website through my link.
They might still go to the website but through Google Search etc. and not use my link. Especially if I mostly recommend the platform in a live conversation. It makes no sense to tell the person… Wait for my link please if I can’t add… because you are going to get a special discount… or something along those lines.

How does it work at the moment?

Thanks, Petra

I’m sorry I can’t help you with your question, but I agree and would like to know if this is the case. If not, I think it should be implemented.

Right now - the biggest hurdle when I recommend LingQ is the paid aspect. For new language learners especially, I don’t think they can envision the benefit of LingQ without diving in and spending good time with it. The paid aspect to the site is a bit of a hurdle in this day and age, unfortunately.

To me, the system is incredibly useful, so I am more than to happy to pay. But it’s a tough sell nowadays.

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I can’t help you with your question

Hi Petra,
All referrals that register through your referral link will get 100 Free LingQs.
You will get 100 Free LingQs too, and 20% of each of their future membership purchase on the site.

I completely agree. Most students go for the free version, which has none of the features that really have a long-lasting effect on your learning and therefore they cannot really reap the results. Unfortunately, they think that by testing the free version they have seen it all and get the impression the app is not useful at all. I think it is a shame. If there was some kind of incentive, for example the first month free etc. people who come and see LingQ for the first time would be more willing to test it in full and more likely to stick with it.
I remember it was the same for me when I first came across LingQ some years ago. I looked at the free version and could not see any benefits in using it. But later I heard someone raving about it and I gave it a second chance. Now I am glad I did because it is a great app. But it is very tough to explain that to anyone… So a little incentive at the start would be really useful. Just some food for thought…


Thanks, Zoran. Unfortunately, this is what I thought. It’s a pity because no one outside LingQ can really see any benefits in getting 100 Free LingQs if they are new to the system, can they? I can hardly see it myself after using the system for some two years now. At least that explains to me why my students are not willing to go and test the full version of the app.
Maybe you could rethink this strategy a little bit? See my answer to benjimino above.
Other fast-growing systems like e.g. italki, have the refer-to-a-friend-and-they-get-10-dollars-for-a-free-lesson strategy. Airbnb also offers dollar credits to both parties for further purchases made within the system.