Referral code

Is there a referral code we can use when we turn people on to LingQ?


We want to start a major effort to recruit new members. As part of that we are creating a better referral system with rewards. This will be operational soon. I suggest you create a list of potential members and wait for the system to be put into place. It should be quite soon. Thanks.

Thanks for the quick response Steve, I understand you’re on vacation so I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

The people I’ve turned onto LingQ recently have asked about the referral code and I’ve just told them to go ahead and sign up and start using since they were eager and I didn’t know what to do about it.

On a related note, given that I talk to people just about every day about LingQ, what do you think about LingQ tutors having business cards to give to people (as opposed to just scribbling the web address on a post-it note)?

Hi David,

We aren’t going to send out business cards although you are free to print up whatever you like. We may look at creating a formatted page you can print out and cut into cards. In the meantime, we are almost ready with our invite/referral system. For those of you looking to start inviting people now, go to Login - LingQ. You will find your referral link there which you can use now. The rest of the features are mostly working on the page although there may still be the odd bug. At any rate, any people who do sign up using that referral link will be tracked from now on. We should launch the page properly in the next week but in the meantime, those of you looking to invite friends can get an early start on using it.