Recent Updates

A number of minor updates have been pushed to the site in the last week or so. I thought I would list them here to make sure everyone was aware:

  • Your choice for auto-scrolling on the lesson page is now remembered.
  • You can now create a new course directly from the import lesson page.
  • The dictionary window expands over top of the sharing options when checking a dictionary for a LingQ which gives more room to see the dictionary information.
  • The iPhone app was updated to reflect the same status based yellow shading for LingQs and to fix status synchronization issues from the previous version.

These are subtle but great updates. Now that you mention it the dictionary window does seem larger, and it’s great not having to remember to unclick auto-scroll anymore before reading, thanks.

Talking of updates, you seem to have removed the option to invite someone to join you in a group conversation. That’s a pity because I have a couple of study buddies that I always used to invite to join me in group conversations, and they would usually accept. Now it seems I have to send out a general invitation to a lot of people I’ve never spoken to, which puzzles a lot of them.

Yeah, I got an email from LingQ the other day saying that you shared a conversation. I had no idea what that meant.

If I open “Это Россия (с видео)”

in the iPhone app, the app crashes immediately.
Please fix.

In the yellow LingQ-boxes, the translation is not fully visible (only 1 line plus 10% of the second line). Please make at min. two lines fully visible.

@u50623 - It looks like this lesson is private, and since it is owned by another user it won’t be accessible to others through the app. We will look at the best way to deal with lessons like this.

Also, regarding the yellow popups, we’ll keep this in mind as we continue to make refinements to the app.

These were good updates! Much appreciated!

@skyblueteapot - Do you not have the option to alert friends after you click the Share on LingQ button in the conversation sign up popup?

@mark: I could only see an option to alert all my friends who are studying German.

@helen - You should see an option to alert all friends or all friends studying German or you should be able to use the search field to find individual friends.

I just noticed the “Don’t show this popup again” option on the flag bad hints function. Nice :slight_smile:

This is a good option, but it resets every document and you have to keep pressing it.

Edit: rereading my comment, I realise just how lazy I really am.

Ah, I have another point. I noticed that there is no keyboard shortcut for flagging user hints. This would be quite useful for people who LingQ with the keyboard, which I rarely do.

@CPJ - We will be fixing that issue in our next update. You should only have to take that box once. Not sure about a keyboard shortcut for flagging That may be an unnecessary refinement.

Thanks Mark. Whether or not it is worth adding a shortcut for flagging hints is something people who LingQ with the keyboard would know. I generally don’t, so I don’t know.