Reassign LingQs to other context

Odd question, but basically I went through a lesson that was a bit more advanced than I’m used to in order to knock out a higher number of words than I would have found in lower level stuff.

Now, however, when I’m reviewing vocabulary, the context for these unknown words is from a sentence I can’t understand well enough to deduce what the word or meaning could be.

Is there a way to reassign existing LingQs to some other context, either existing on the site or just a manual input? If not, is my best bet just to remove all those lingQs and wait for them to come up again in more level-appropriate lessons?

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You will have to set it to ignore (un-lingq it), and then re-lingq it in a new context.

No way to manually add a context unfortunately, but you could of course create your own lesson with the words in sentences you create as a round about way of adding a custom context…