
Hello! My favorite book is The Little Prens because this book really inspirational for people of all ages. What is your favorite book and why?

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I’m not sure I have a specific favorite. My favorite series of books ever are the Chronicle of Prydain. These, for me, truly were books I could not put down…except for the fact that I fall asleep after about 10 minutes of reading anything lol. I did read the 2nd book almost in one day.

These books were so magical to me. The characters were all interesting. Some noble, some comical. All fascinating and engaging. The stories have some loose basis in Welsh mythology. I believe some of the characters names are drawn from that. I could really picture the world the author created.

It was interesting to watch as the main character grows over the course of the books.

I have really found it difficult to be as engaged in any other books before or since.


I like the da vinci code because it’s such a page turner. I mean, the story is so thrilling and suspenseful that I just couldn’t put it down. Also, the characters are really well developed and likable. And the ending was completely unexpected. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who’s looking for a good book.


Mine is the Wheel of time series by Robert Jordan.

Was also the first books that had a hook strong enough for me to read it in English and sticking arround till the end.


Mine is “Novecento” by Alessandro Baricco. It’s quite a short monologue (it also became a play), but very philosophical and with a profound meaning. The language is quite easy, though - highly recommended also for Italian learners :slight_smile:

If you like that series, you should check out The Way of Kings (the series is called The Stormlight Archive) by Brandon Sanderson - it’s easily my favorite fantasy series ever, followed by The Wheel of Time


+1 book series on my bucked list

Thank you for the recommendation.

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I’ve been curious to read from some of these, but jeez…1000+ pages for every book? What is it with fantasy writers and their 1000 page books =(

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well, for me storries it ain’t just one big firework burning down non-stop. It allows you to take a breather and daydream a little for yourself. It needs room for little side storys that fill out the world. That’s my favourit part when I really connect with the world and not just one or two characters.

In the wheel of time series you have at some points 6+ main-plotlines simultaniously going on, so the world appears bigger than by just following a specific hero.

I think it’s a interview from Brandon Sanderson when he says something along the line that it’s a tragity when a plotline is filled with a lazy “Because a wizzard did it” explanation - except when it creates a feeling for mythology in the worldbuilding.

Allow the authors some space to creat these worlds :slight_smile:


I hear what you’re saying. I have read the “Game of Thrones” series (or more accurately, listened to the audio books). I did enjoy these mostly, and these were of the 1000 page variety as you probably know…I just never felt a great connection. Maybe these other authors will fit my style. Fiction for me is very hit or miss.

I think the other daunting aspect, at least for the Wheel of Time series is that it is a huge number of books.

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I want to learn Italian so maybe one day I can read… Thanks.

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I wondering this book. Thank you!

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No worries my friend. The first book was writen so you can read as a stand alone adventure storry and leave the series at that with a proper ending. Or keep on reading, however you feel like.

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Yeah, it’s kind of rough to read such a long book. However, if you enjoy literature, I’d encourage you to give it a shot. The tradeoff for the long books is an incredibly well-crafted universe. It makes the stories feel so much more real.


I swear, fantasy & SF lovers make great language learners (probably because they love to read!).

There is something so cozy and satisfying about spending a very long time with the same characters are watching them grow and experience and overcome difficulties.

Like I forgot a lot of plot from The Stormlight Archive, so recently I figured it would be fun to learn Spanish by re-reading favorite authors in translation. (Sanderson, Pratchett, Abercrombie, GRR Martin etc etc)

My current favorite is the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Chinese fantasy romance novel), I loved it so much I started learning Mandarin so I could read it untranslated.

Books are the best :wink: