Reading offline

Is it possible to have lessons available when offline?

You will need to use LingQ app for that. Offline mode is available on both iOS and Android app. :slight_smile:

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Thank you. I have the android app. I guess I’ll just have to figure out how to download the lessons.

If you have the Lingq app on your Phone or tablet, you just log in and you will see all the lessons you have in Lingq on your computer.

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To download the lesson, you just need to open it on the app (as you normally would to read) while you have an Internet connection, and then when you’re offline you can read it too.

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Thanks. I thought it would just “show up” if it was in my playlist, but your method works.

Glad I could help. Before going offline I make sure to open the next few lessons in my course just to make sure I won’t run out of things to read! :slight_smile:

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