Rather bizarre transcript behavior

I captured the audio from Путешествия, в которые вы не поедете | Леонид Пашковский | TEDxSadovoeRing. The video itself has very nice Russian subtitles, but I relied on Lingq to transcribe it for me by importing the audio without reference to the Youtube video. I.E. I did not supply the Youtube url.


  1. Lingq totally misses the first 29 seconds of the audio.
  2. The transcription for that portion translates as “Subtitle editor A. Sinetskaya Proofreader A. Egorova”

Shown here from the Lingq transcript:

Редактор субтитров А.Синецкая Корректор А.Егорова

The first 29 seconds correctly transcribed is:

Представьте берег широкой реки. Жаркое солнце, у воды горит огромный костёр, а в костре лежит тело человека. Вокруг собрались десятки людей, чтобы проводить его в последний путь.

From this point Lingq seems to get it right, though I’m not going to verify that in detail,

I tried three things to diagnose this issue myself:

  1. I imported the audio again and got the same errant result in Lingq.
  2. I uploaded the audio and used Happy Scribe to transcribe the entire audio for me.
  3. I searched that transcription for any reference to what Lingq was providing and found no reference whatsoever to “Редактор субтитров А.Синецкая Корректор А.Егорова” nor to any portion of that phrase.
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Strange, but it must be somehow related to that specific audio file, that names come up from somewhere. You can send me the file to support email and I look it up.


Thanks. Sent you a link to the file you can use to download.

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