Questions re: Importing and App

Two questions,

(1) If there is a long document that is in pdf format, is there a way to select the text for the entire document and import it into the system?

(2) When I use my app on my iphone, it appears that there is some limit to the number of lessons that I’ve opened before online, inside the app, that can appear. Is that the case, or is the number of lessons supposed to be unlimited.

Thank you


@CTaylor - We don’t have a PDF import function, but what you can do is open the PDF file and select all the text using the Control-A shortcut on your keyboard. I recommend pasting the text in a text editor first, then copying it from there and into LingQ. This ensures any of the strange formatting in the PDF is filtered out.

On the app, it will display up to the 30 most recent lessons that you have opened on the site. This limit was added to improve loading times of the lesson list in the app.

@CTaylor: "If there is a long document that is in pdf format, is there a way to select the text for the entire document and import it into the system?¨

You probably already know that you can’t copy the text of some PDF files and that some PDF files consist of images, not text. Even if you could copy the images, they don’t do you any good in LingQ or most anywhere else except for reading as is. After some contortions, you can pass the images through an OCR program to get the text, but the results are not satisfactory, in my experience, for any language other than English, and usually not even then.

@alex: " I recommend pasting the text in a text editor first, then copying it from there and into LingQ. This ensures any of the strange formatting in the PDF is filtered out."

I recommend Word as it can do global search and replace on special characters such as hard line breaks. I don’t know any other word processor which can do this.

I’ve just imported a book and found that all the hyphenation became hard-coded as "- ". I have just finished copying each lesson into Word to do a global search and replace: "- " replaced with a null string.