
Bonjour, Que veut dire l’expression ''that figures"? Merci!


Je ne suis pas sûr mais dans le contexte je dirais que ça peut être traduit par “pas étonnant” ou “ça ne m’étonne pas”

That figures. You don’t have a friend, so you can’t tell me what she looks like …
Pas étonnant, tu n’as pas d’amie donc tu ne peux pas me dire à quoi elle ressemble …


                            Hi Exodus ,

That figures ! means " ça se tient " . Have a good day .

I’m curious too. Can anybody explain in English? about figures?

The expression is, “that figures!”
You can use it when you get an unsatisfying answer that you could have guessed you would have gotten.
Sort of like, “I should have known you would say that!”

That figures! That’s no surprise! It is generally used in colloquial speech. It can also mean "Typical, I knew it!', generally when one is not too happy about something.


“That figures” = “that makes sense”, “that’s logical”.