
Hi. What means LingQ’s Created and LingQ’s Learned in my Progress Snapshot on the Overview page?


Anything you choose to save in any of your items is considered a “LingQ”, this can be a word or a phrase. If and when you decide to have a close look at your saved words/LingQs, you can do so by clicking on your “Priority LingQs” or the “Vocabulary” link in the top menu. When any word has reached level 4 it is considered a “learned” LingQ. It may take a while to reach that, but remember to pay attention to vocabulary each day - or several times a day if you can manage it.

Thanks Jeff! It is great when members are helping each other.

You may have noticed that we have loaded some more Swedish content into LingQ. We have also started a few SwedishLingQ podcasts although we have not yet found a transcriber so that is holding us back.

I wonder if you would be willing to chat on Skype for a future SwedishLingQ podcast.