
Hello dear LingQ team ,my name is Masoud from Iran ,First of all really thank u very much for your great learning language web site I hope I’ll improve my English and even maybe I’ll learn other languages too just I have two questions:
1 How can I change my level on LingQ ?
2 How should I start to study on LingQ and find partners and record my voice on and… ?
3And although I want to enter a other new language like Spanish ?
Thank u very much for your help,
Sincerely yours Masoud.

Hi Masoud,

It looks like you have already set your level to Intermediate 1. If you want to change it you can go to your profile page (by clicking the logo on the top-left) and click on your current level in the middle of the page.

You can study on LingQ in a variety of different ways, but we recommend that you go to the Library, open up a lesson and start saving words. Spend most of your time reading and listening so that you continue to learn new words.

If you want to change the language of study, simply go to the arrow at the top of the page and select one of the languages that appears.