Progress statistics

Hi my statistics have not been updating, I listen and read a lot on the ilingq app, and manually updated reading number, but listened too through a playlist, I did a lot of listening and reading, and these were from a playlist I created but my stats do not seem to have updated on the main lingq website, can you help me with this thanks?

@Tuquiero - I checked and this seems to be working properly. Note that the Times Listened count for a lesson will increase when the lesson audio file finishes. Partial playback is not currently tracked, so if you listen only halfway through the lesson then it won’t count as 0.5.

If you’re still noticing issues with this it would be helpful if you would provide some more specific instructions on what you are doing in the app that may be causing this issue.

Hi Alex,

Thanks for getting back to me, I am aware that partial playlists are not tracked but I noticed yesterday that my hours did not seem correct, the time for today does however seem right,

However today, I created a lot of lingqs in text, maybe over 100, on 1 computer, however now on my ipad I have logged in and it says no lingqs created under the ‘today’ drop down menu, and 0 known words even though I have creat known words on another computer and everything was refreshed, and I logged out of that computer, does it take a few hours to update or something like that?

I really do love the app by the way, it really is a great app and I only discovered that flash cards are automatically created and can be used offline just recently! And I always carry my ipad with me, in my car and so do a lot of learning offline.

Anyway, I’m trying to keep myself motivated with my word count and trying to keep my statistic count as high as possible.

@Tuquiero - Hmm, the LingQs should be showing properly in any case. If you open one of the lessons on your iPad do the LingQs you created show properly in the lesson?

Hi Alex, yes they show properly in the lesson, they show up in yellow and then if i click on the lingq in my ipad it gives me the definition of the word that I added, no problem that way, Alex today, on my statistics I have known words under ‘today’ even though I have not added any known words. Is this just a time setting in my account or something, I am currently in Toronto?

@Tuquiero - I checked your statistics a bit more closely and it looks to be working OK. Please note that when you move a LingQ to Status 4 it is added to your Known Words total. If I look at your statistics for today I see that your LingQs Learned is 57 (i.e. 57 LingQs moved up to Status 4) and your Known Words is 57 (i.e. 57 Status 4 LingQs now being added to your Known Words total).

I believe the “Today” and “Yesterday” are counted according to server time, which is GMT, so keep that in mind if something still looks strange!

Ok Alex, thanks for looking into thus for me, I appreciate it