Problems with uploading mp3

I’m trying to upload mp3-file for Login - LingQ. So it seems like file is uploaded but I can not play it on web page. Can you help me to sove this problem?

@mikola - The link you posted will not work because it is specific to your account. Is this lesson in the Library? If it is what is the title or number displayed in the Library. If it is imported, we can not see it. If the mp3 file is not working, it is likely not the right frequency. You can adjust the frequency in Audacity.

Mark. I’ve got you. Here is the link from the library: Login - LingQ

When I’m trying to download audio from that page using “Reading/Listening” window I got this page: (which is “404 not found”).

Mark. You can find “problem page” here; RU-New lessons-“Александр Сергеевич Пушкин. Стихотворения”.

There seems to be a problem with importing at the moment. We will look into it. Sorry about that.

Thank you very much for helping.

I am having the same problem as Mikola

The issue with uploading audio files and images has now been fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I cannot upload French audio files, using FF 3.5 I have tried different files.

@ Annett - Please try again now.

Again, I cannot upload French audio files, using IE 8. I got the message: Cannot find the site …

Me, neither. I’m using FireFox 3.5.3 on WinXP.

@Annett and Nobuo - Please try again now. It should be working.

I have the same problem again. I can not download the mp3 files for French content, neither using Firefox nor using IE. The download is trying for a while and after a time the download will be canceled without success. It is a pity, because I can only use my imported content for listening to the audio on my ipod.

Hi Annett,

That doesn’t sound like the same problem. Everyone else is talking about an uploading/import issue that was fixed but you are saying you can’t download audio. Do you mean upload? If it is a download issue, is it only for your imported content? Or, is it all lessons? Is anyone else having problems downloading audio? It works fine for me.

Mark, your are right. The mp3 download works on two other computers in our house well, but not on my computer. I have to check the reason. It is relevant I will let you know.