Hello, I can’t import Netflix films even though I follow all the steps on your website. When I click and open the “import” window, it just want add the URL. Please help! Andreas
What browser/extension are you using?
I’ve been using Firefox and Safari. It seems to work better on google chrome. However, there is no difference between playing these films through lingq or directly through Netflix. Is that correct? I was hoping that lingq would add additional features, such as highlighting vocabulary or helping with pronunciation. Is that not correct? A
For Netflix imports, LingQ grabs and imports subtitle only. Due to copyright restrictions, we can’t import audios or videos as we do with YouTube.
I will try to give an alternative answer to official lingq.
Netflix does not encrypt the audio, Only video.
Scraping their audio does break the terms and service though but it not detectable by netflix as the audio is downloaded unencrypted by your browser everytime you open netflix anyways.
There are apps that do this but google demotes them until page 5 or 6. Using “duckduckgo.com” search engine will give you an appropriate solution to download audio from github.
Once you have the downloaded audio, whisper it on your PC to get accurate subtitle.
Upload that subtitle to lingq and link it to a youtube video…(like a 1 second blank screen video)…then use netflix in picture and picture …and “view by sentance” in lingq to watch your netflix video with accurate subtitles.