Problems with flashcards since new site update

I like to ‘facelift’ that has been given to the site, however I am running into quite a few issues regarding the use of flashcards. I am curious to know whether anyone else is experiencing the same issues:

  1. The flashcards do not seem to be working at all on Firefox (version 25.0 and 26.0). I have tried this on both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 and am getting the same behavior. Here is a summary of the problems:

      (I)  No text is displayed on the front of the card.  Only a 'sound' icon is displayed.  
     (ii)  No text is displayed on the back of the card (after flipping).
     (iii)  Changing the flashcards settings (via the Settings button) does not fix (I) and (ii).
     (iv)  The flashcard windows is not sized correctly and has a large blank space at the bottom.
     (v)    The "view keyboard shortcuts" link does not work.  Nothing happens when you click it.
    (vi)    The current status (1,2,3 or 4) does not seem to be indicated.
  2. It is no longer possible to play the sound using the tab key. I have tried this on the latest versions of both IE (version 11) and Firefox (26.0). Is there any other way of playing the sound?

I hope that these problems will be resolved quickly, as the flashcard functionality is now unusable in its present state (and I typically use it daily).

@pcolag - Sorry for the trouble with flashcards! We are looking into this issue but it seems to be a bit tricky to track down. If you try refreshing the page or clearing your cache does that help?

There are some issues with text-to-speech as well, so the text-to-speech won’t work. We are looking at having this issue resolved soon!

@alex - Problem no. 1 (Firefox compatibility) now seems to be now resolved. All six issues (i - vi) mentioned above are now fixed. I guess some fixes were pushed when the site was taken down a few hours ago?

As for the text-to-speech in the flashcards, it is still not functional on either IE or FF.

@pcolag - Glad to hear it! We’re still working on text-to-speech but hope to have it working again soon!

The text-to-speech is fine now (for the past few days). However, the problem with the incorrectly sized popup window on Firefox has returned. This window is now oversized and has a large blank space at the bottom.

@pcolag - Thanks for reporting this, I’ve now added this to our list.

@alex - The problem with the large border in Firefox seems to have been fixed. However, I have come across a new problem relating to Firefox compatibility. It seems that it is no longer possible to create a new tag when editing a lingQ in Firefox. However, this seems to work fine in IE.

@pcolag - Ah, good catch. I’ve now added this to the list!


I think I have come across another problem which affects both Firefox and IE. It has to do with the accessibility of the “babylon” dictionary from within Flashcard view. The URL appears to be set incorrectly, so that this dictionary does not work correctly when clicking on the “babylon” button.

Here is a procedure in order to reproduce this problem:

  1. From within a displayed Flashcard, click on Edit.
  2. Click on dictionary tab.
  3. Click on “Babylon” button.

Result: Babylon dictionary is not displayed. However, other dictionaries work fine.

Also note that the Babylon dictionary works fine from the lessons view (i.e., when providing the definition for “blue words” in order to create the lings).

@pcolag - Good to know. If you have issues with any other dictionaries here let us know.