Problems with finding content on lingQ

most of the content is either too easy and boring or too hard and interessenting there is some good content on LingQ but it getting harder iam searching at the beginner 2 level what should i do?

Your question is too wide, that’s why it’s difficult to answer it.
If you pointed out the topics which could be interesting for you, I would indicate some certain podcasts according to your taste and your level.
Looking at your profile I see that you are learning German.
There are in the German library here many interesting lessons, articles and podcasts written by Vera, by Reinhard or some my podcasts made with Fasulye, Reinhard und Franz.
For example, for the level Beginner-2 you can try my courses: Aus dem Alltagsleben, Allerhand Sachen zum Lesen und Lachen, Kurz aber intererssant, Reisen wir gemeinsam, Kurze Sachtexte, Lustige Geschichten.
Für die Mittelstufe (=Intermediate): Wissen Sie das schon, Ihr Lesevergnügen mit Evgueny und Fasulye, Grammatik und Synonymie, Gespräche mit Evgueny, Deutsch als Geschäftssprache, Dialoge für Mittelstufe, Wie wir Speachen lernen, Geschichte und Kultur, Die wunsdersame Tierwelt, Politik aktuell, Über die Zeit und mich selbst.
I hope that if not all podcasts from these courses but yet some of them can be interesting for you.
But of course, you must be very patient and very curious if you would like to get a real success in language learning.
Good luck! Viel Erfolg im Deutschstudium!


ok thanks i will try all of those