Problems with accessing the challenges

Since yesterday when I try to open the page of challenges. It just says active and past challenges but I can not open the page further. This is quite disturbing as I am participating in several challenges and would like to see my current results. How can this be resolved?

I also get ‘500 - internal server error’ when trying to open any challenge page. ‘An error has occurred while processing your request. Depending on the type of error, it may be automatically logged and reviewed by our team so please retry your request in a few minutes. If you are still getting this error message after a few minutes, please email us at’

I am experiencing that too! When I click on the left thumbnails under challenges on the lessons page, I just get an error message. It was working fine for me this morning (your evening).

Now it seems to be ok and accessible again.

The issue should be fixed now. Sorry about that everyone!