Problems importing vocabulary in CSV format


Before I upload my long CSV vocab file, I’ve been trying to upload a short test file to figure out how the process works. Each time I upload it, I get a message saying the import was successful, but none of the terms show up in my vocab list.

The first row of my CSV table sets out the following column labels as per the instructions on the vocabulary import screen: term, phrase, tag1, tag2, hintlanguage1, hint1, hintlanguage2, hint2(.)

For each of the entries, tag2, hintlanguage2 and hint2 are left blank because I don’t have a second tag or second language or second hint. Hintlanguage1 for all entries is: English(.)

I have also tried populating all columns and using single-word terms, but it seems to make no difference.

Is there any special requirement for entries to be in all caps, all lower-case, with single quotation marks, with double quotation marks, without quotations marks, single word or multiple word?

Does hintlanguage1 need to correspond with the lingq’s own language tags, in which case, what are they? E.g. English or english or Eng or ENG or Eng etc?

I’ve tried various combinations of the above, but none seem to work.

It would be helpful if Lingq could provide a sample csv file that works.


Have figured it out. Select and export some vocabulary currently in your vocabulary list in Lingq and a CVS file will automatically be generated and saved on your computer. Open that CVS file and use it as a model. It turns out that the Hintlanguage1 column for English should be “en” (without quotation marks). Also, entries in the phrase column cannot be more than a single sentence. Then it imports fine. You can also exclude the hinglanguage2, hint2 and tag2 columns and column labels altogether.

But after figuring out how to do it, I realised I didn’t need to import a CVS file after all. It’s much easier to simply create a word or text document with the list of phrases and cut and paste them into the import box as a lesson. It also seems to be quicker and more pleasant to review the list simply by reading them as a normal lingq lesson rather than as flashcards.