Problems Downloading Audio

I am problems downloading audio to a lesson that I have imported. If I go to the lesson screen, there are the four boxes to the right. I click on the boxes and the option of download audio pulls up. I click on download audio and I get webpage that says:

This webpage has a redirect loop.

The webpage at Login - LingQ has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.

I cleared my cookies, but that did not help. Any suggestions?
Chris Phillips

Ya I get this too with the new lingq update. When I try to download audio to play on windows media player it doesn’t work. At first I thought it didn’t work because of my computer but i try it on other computers and the same problem happens.

@chrisphilips71 and andres9888 - There does seem to be an issue with the download button. It seems to be playing the lessons in the browser instead. We have made some changes to the way we store audio files and there seem to be some bugs. However, you should be able to download the audio files if you right click on the green download button either at the top right of the lesson itself or in the Task dropdown on the Lessons or My Lessons pages. You will then be shown the option to “Save link as” or “Save target as” depending on your browser.

I am having problems playing the audio file on my last two writing reports. I checked the one previous to those, and it worked. It is just the last two writing reports. I didn’t have problems with the “Upload Audio”, but when I click on the play button (the one with the arrow), nothing happens for those last two writing reports. I am able to play audio files on my conversation reports and on the LingQ lessons.

Thanks so much for your help.

@dEm8649 - When did you upload the audio files for your writing report? Did you upload it today or was it audio that you uploaded previously?

The older writing report audio was uploaded previously. I did not do anything other than test it to see if it worked. The newer writing report was uploaded previously and when it didn’t work, I re-uploaded it today. I went back to the original emails that I received from my tutor and started right from the beginning again. The third oldest writing report works just fine.

@Em8648 - We are not able to replicate this problem. What browser are you using? Is it still happening now? Can you try re-uploading it again now? What do you see on the audio player when you try it? Any more information you can give us will be helpful.

I am sorry. It was “user error” as they say. I needed to upload and was getting that confused with download. I have since figured out how to upload. Again, I am sorry for an inconvenience that I caused. Keep up the good work.

I am sorry. It was “user error” as they say. I needed to upload and was getting that confused with download. I have since figured out how to upload. Again, I am sorry for an inconvenience that I caused. Keep up the good work.

It happens… :slight_smile:

I used Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera. The audios for the two lessons don’t work in any of those browsers. I will try uploading the reports and the audios from the original emails and see what happens and let you know. The audios work on my mp3 player and Itunes so I know they work. If I’m the only one with this problem, I will just live with it and not use the LingQ audios for those two lessons.

I re-imported and re-uploaded both of the two most recent lessons using Firefox. The audios don’t work. They both worked last week. It shows 0.00 and the little circle never starts moving. I tried forcing it to move with my cursor, but there’s just no sound at all.

It’s not a priority for me to have it fixed. If you want to wait to check this out until I import and upload my next writing lesson and audio file to see if it happens with the next one, that’s fine with me. Thanks for your help.

Please try to rename the audio file and remove all non-standard letters! Then upload it again! I had this problem with an audio that had an “ä” in the name.

Thank you. I will try your suggestion. I’ve also had problems with the audio files for another set of lessons. This morning, I’m using my Droid and some audios work while some don’t. I will see what happens when I get home and can use my laptop. It could be the phone.

Thank you, VeraI. It must have been the "écrit " in the file names. After I changed the file names to short, simple English words, both audio files uploaded and work fine.

For the LingQ administrators:

I am still having trouble getting the audio for some of the “Simples dialogues” to work, and I think it is because there are accents in the titles: The audio does not work for these titles: Où allez-vous ?, Où avez-vous déjeuné, à l’hôtel, à l’école, Vous désirez, monsieur, and Quelle belle journée. The audio works for these: Quand partez-vous, Je suis en retard, Est-ce qu’il y a un train, Deux billets de première,

The content provider is serge doucet.

Thanks again for all your help.