Problem with special characters (importing an ebook as a PDF)

Hello, I just imported an ebook in Polish ( PDF). Unfortunately, none of the characters unique to the Polish alphabet processed… Ł, Ą, Ę etc.
Does anyone know of a way to fix this?

Do you have problem with that one specific book (file) only, or with any ebook you try to import in Polish?

Hi Zoran, thanks for your reply. This is the first e-book that I’ve imported, so I’m not sure about others…

I’ll import another one tomorrow and let you know, thanks.

Sounds good, thanks!

Hi again Zoran,
I just imported another e-book and everything looks correct. I deleted the other and imported it again but it had the same issue. In place of unique Polish characters it has French letters, Spanish letters, numbers, upside-down question marks, etc.

Maybe it’s just a fluke, but at least the other book imported properly. I don’t have any more at this time to try. Thanks

Thanks. In that case I assume it’s some kind of coding issue with a file you imported, since everything seems fine on my end. If it happens again with any other file, please let me know.