Problem with new words in imported lessons

Hi, i noticed when i open an imported lesson (imported myself), the program shows me many new words which are actually known words.

Hope it can be fixed, thanks!

@Josu88 - Are you sure these words are known words? The best way to check would be to open another lesson with the same word and see if it is highlighted in blue or not.

If you find that it isn’t matching up, please send us a link to each of the lessons so we can take a closer look into this!

Hi guys, I was just going to post the same thing. Very weird. In both Chrome and Firefox. And they are definitely , ‘previously known’ words. Like they just got dropped from the DB, but my overall known word count is the same. It only about 5% of the total word count, I would estimate.

Just double checked and the ‘known word count’ does not increment when I add the unknown (but previously known) word as a known word.

Talking simple words here like ‘auf’ ‘ins’ .

Now something just changed and it ‘rolled back’ to the previous, normal state.

Lesson where the issue appeared: Login - LingQ

Private, self-imported lesson.

To be clear, the words were showing as blue highlighted, new words. They also behaved completely like a new word, showing the appropriate menu list when clicked on or when interacted with like adding as ‘known’ or ‘lingq-ing’.

@geoseo - Ah, very strange. Do I understand correctly that this is now working properly?

Alex, seems to be fine now.

But that was definitely the first time. Thought I had entered a Lingq language wormhole. It ‘lasted’ about 45 min. I tried different browsers, closed them and restarted them, nothing worked. Went through all the normal operations like ‘lingq-ing’ and all normal, only noticeable difference was adding a word as known, did not increment the overall count. Was random words, only around 5% on the page, not any pattern, but those remained the same words even after closing the page or browser. Then at some point it just went away. Strange.

This has been going on for a long time.

@geoseo - Very strange indeed! We did have some issues with the site last night and pushed a couple of fixes last night and this morning, so I wonder whether this may have temporarily affected it. If you notice this happening again let us know!

@pmilone - The issue reported previously should hopefully have already been fixed. If you’re still experiencing the same issue shown in your screencast please let us know!

Ah, so it has. I can only add that my text was copy & pasted from a PDF through Firefox. Maybe it was (as previously suggested on old post) something related to encoding.

@geoseo - It’s possible, though the encoding is typically only an issue for words with accent marks (which is a known issue and is on our list). I haven’t seen this same issue for words without accent marks. If you do experience it again we’ll know that it wasn’t related to the issues and updates over the past 24 hours :slight_smile: