Problem with lessons

I have had problems with lessons this week.

  1. I have created lessons in the import, but had the lesson just spin and spin when I hit save, then give a server error message.

  2. I open existing lessons, and I see text, but the rest of the screen doesn’t display (audio, lingQ, resources. etc.) It seems to be loading, but never does.

I hate to waste my time creating lessons for import only to have it die at the point of saving the lesson. I have just left the past few days when LingQ fails to let me do my lessons or import, but I hope this can be resolved soon.

@jreidy - so far, I couldn’t reproduce this issue. Importing works really slowly now, but I am able to save and then open my imported lessons. If you head to the My Imports page, are you able to see the lessons that you tried to import?

For the existing lessons, please refresh the page (we had an update yesterday). It should help.