Problem with ipod app

For some reason the ipod app is not allowing me to look at any of the lessons I am studying in the French slot. Every time I select it (while online) i get the message “no active lessons in this language. Switch languages in Settings or choose lessons on the LingQ website”. I have tried reinstalling the app but I get the same result.

Has anyone else had this problem or is it something that is just linked to my account? :frowning:

@jjmountain - I think this may happen sometimes if you have a lot of active lessons for a particular language. If that is the case for you in French, you can try archiving some of your unused lessons and see if that helps.

@mark I tried your suggestion until I had only 5 active lessons but I still got the same message in my ipod app. It is very strange as this only happens for French - I’ve got around 10 active lessons in Korean and have no problem with it. Maybe the app has a bug in the french slot? or is it something with my account? very strange either way. I hope you can get it fixed as I really want to use the ipod app to improve my french! thanks.

That’s strange since it works fine for me in French. Try taking a new lesson again and see if that shakes things up. Of course, make sure you are connected to wifi… :slight_smile:

What is wrong here? Steve said I needed to pay to get the ability to check lessons. I paid and still cannot see lessons on my iPhone :frowning: All I see is flash cards… I have logged out and logged back in, but still nothing.

Help please…

Finally got it to work… you can’t search lingq in iphone app store… only via itunes it works.

Anyway… french is broken … chinese loads 20+ lessons without issues. I tried wifi and doesn’t work either. French can’t load anything and has no active lessons :frowning:

For your information… I added a new lesson from the website and it doesn’t work still! Please FIX immediately!!! I only paid for this feature. Thanks.

Hi Milan,

We will look into this. It seems that French is not working for some accounts for some reason.

I tried my French account and had the same problem. I solved the problem by archiving all of my lessons and then reloading lessons from the Library. It works fine now.