Problem with Flashcards page

I receive email of Englsh Lingqs of the Day everyday.
This week, when I click the Flash Cards button on it
I have a Flashcards screen without a word.
I cannot review vocabularies with Flashcards system.
How can I solve this problem? Thank you.

There was a bug here, but it should be fixed in the next email coming in a few hours now. The old emails will not work, but all the LingQs of the Day emails from today on should be working properly.

The same for me and it disturbs me in a greate measure because I always begin my work in LingQ with the learning and repeating of received LingQs!

I have the same problem with Flashcards. As well, when I try to sing up for conversations with my tutors and click the View Schedule button, there is no any response. I have succeeded to sing up to Evgueny, but just from his profile, not from Speak page.

@natashakolo - Can you describe further what happens when you click “View Schedule” on the Speak page? A screenshot would be helpful :slight_smile:

Thanks for answering. It looks like a problem in Internet Explorer. I am able to sing up for conversations using Firefox. Looking forward to solving problem with Flashcards.

I have the same problem with flashcards. It doesn’t show hints on it. I use Firefox. It disturbs me from studying words. Please fix it as soon as possible.

Yoko, have you tried refreshing your page like other people here have said. It seems to fix the problem.

Sorry Yoko, the information about refreshing your page was not on this thread, but it does work. Let us know if the problem persists.