Problem LingQing

Hi, when I am reading a text, I’m naturally moving my cursor everywhere. Now though, whenever I move my cursor over a word, the meaning pops up. In other words, when I try LingQing, there are just lots of yellow boxes appearing, which is distracting and stopping me from LingQing as much. Is there anyway to stop them from appearing so quickly, just as if I hover over the top?

James, I notice that you save a high percentage of words on the screen. This is part of the problem. Ideally you are progressing gradually and moving words to known, so that you do not cover your text in yellow. Meanwhile, we will look at if we can or eve should delay the appearance of the yellow hints. If there are fewer yellow hints, the quick pop up is an advantage.

James, I have noticed that the pop ups are too sensitive. This was done in response to a user who complained that they were too slow. I guess it all depends on the speed of our connections. I think it is too sensitive now and we will be looking at it.

Hi, thanks! By the way, what percentage of LingQs do you recommend making per lesson?

I LingQ words that I do not know. I will often go back and LingQ a few phrases. I do not have a set percentage. However, texts that have between 10 and 20% new words are the best. just enough new words, but not too many.

Recently I have been going to the Vocab list for my lessons (click on the editor’s pencil in the My LingQs list on the right) and moving some of the saved LingQs to status 4 ( known), or else doing this while Flash Carding from the My LingQs from the lesson. I have been guilty of not doing this enough and accumulating too many yellow words. With the hypersensitive pop ups this not so handy so I want to decrease the number of yellow words. I know many of them so it is about time anyway.

In Spanish, I LingQ every word.
Now it’s impossible to LingQ a multi-word-term, because other LingQ-ed words pop up and interfere LingQ-ing a multi-word-term.
It’s impossible.
Since yesterday, I have to enter multi-word-terms manually on the vocab page.
Please fix this.

We’ve now made it so that the opening of the LingQ widget is delayed a bit. This should help make it easier to create LingQs. Make sure to clear your cache again!

I believe the other problems are fixed as well Alex, or not yet?

A couple, yes, but there are still some remaining issues. I’ll update each respective thread as the issues are fixed.

There are a few problems with the yellow highlighted words. Sometimes I hover over them and the hint doesn’t pop up or when I hover over it, the blue LingQ widget opens, giving me an option to LingQ it again.

Thanks for the report, James. We’re aware of this issue. It appears to be related to works that were LingQed via QuickLingQing. In either case, we hope to have this fixed ASAP.