Problem latest update

The option to create lingqs is gone for me, the options are not there. Only the trashbin and checkmark… :sob:

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On which platform? Desktop, Android, Apple?


Updated the app today.

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I don’t have Android to check for myself, but it may just be that some settings reverted to default. Check in the settings under “Reader”, there should be “Popup Settings” and then the option “Always show status” toggled on or off. (Perhaps the precise names or locations of the settings are different on Android than iOS, though.)


Now it works again, thank you. I had to change the “show status” button…
I was like… show what status? Like if i am online/single? My first language is not English :sweat_smile:

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Hah! This word is married, that one got divorced the other day. This one… it’s complicated… :smiley:

I would have to change my use of LingQ very significantly if it got rid of these statuses (so, um, staff, if you’re reading, please don’t do that :sweat_smile: ). I find them incredibly helpful to track how I’m doing learning a word, simply by advancing it in status when I understood the word and decreasing it when I didn’t. There are words that remain status 1 (or go back between 1 and 2) forever, which is great feedback to myself! :smiley:

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