Problem importing from YouTube

Same problem here.

URL: 対中制裁の効果が出始めた。ファーウェイの世界シェア首位から転落。今後も衰退の確率大。しかし、そこに米国の大統領選挙の問題アリ - YouTube
LingQ v1.7.19
Browser: Chrome, FireFox, Edge

same issue here. Hope that LingQ will fix it soon.

Uninstall an reinstall chrome extension keep the same problem
Importing failed - ERROR: 1FVf4nJLczE: YouTube said: Unable to extract video data

Hey all!
I installed the lingq extension on Firefox and it’s working for me here! :slight_smile:
Hope that helps…

Sorry again, everyone! We are doing our best, however the problem some of you have with YouTube importing is on YouTube’s end, they added some restrictions which are effecting more and more users. I hope we will find some workaround.

I am having same issue in youtube, nothing is importing. It comes up with an error.

Same here. Any update on this?

I had the same problem and here’s how I solved it:

  1. Download the Lingq app and YouTube app into your iPhone
  2. Import the files (easy to figure this out)
  3. Study from your laptop/PC like normal

Problem solved

come on, Any update?

Thanks it’s true, goof idea, I could. import with Safari in mi Ipad. I will try in Chrome.
It seems that the import youtube problem are in Chrome in Windows

This works, thanks!

try my suggestion below.

I have an android phone, in the youtube app for android, I don’t see the option to import video for lingq

Try This…

  1. Open up the Youtube app on your phone
  2. Find the video you want to import
  3. Under ‘share’ there should be an option saying ‘copy link’ or something similar
  4. Once you’ve done this switch back to the Lingq app
  5. Create a folder for the lessons you want to import (easy to figure out)
  6. Paste the link you’ve copied into the relevant (SOURCE) field (select ‘URL’ obviously)
  7. Open up your laptop/PC and study as normal

Hope this helps!

Worked for me – Thanks!

Hi Kaleka
Sorry but, i don’t find option to create a folder in Lingq app,

thanks for your help

I can’t import this: 80 וארבע | פרק 1- היכרות - שידורי בכורה ביוטיוב 🔥 - YouTube i get an error mssg. “no subtitles” but there are subtitles. I’m a newbie. Can you PLEASE help me???

@dianap56 Looks like that video has some restrictions based on viewers location, so could be that’s the reason you can’t import it.

@dianap56 does the video have CC “closed caption”? If you click on the 3 dots below the bottom right corner of the video, do you get an option to “open transcript”? lingq needs that for importing. Otherwise it cannot import, even if there are subtitles that you can see on the video.

BTW, I couldn’t view this video at all. Like @zoran said, it seems to be restricted in the US.

Hi everyone. my name is Mohsin. First time using LingQ to learn Chinese,
i am using LingQ app on iPad to import YouTube content but the import only shows url As text. I’ve tried changing the source between text and url, using cc and so on, same result.
For safari, not sure how to download the extension according to the given instructions…

i don’t have a folder on the iPad to save the extension file onto and then open.
any suggestions?