Printing Examples and Notes from the Dashboard

Is there a way to print Examples and Notes from the Dashboard for a lesson?

And I wonder how many members use the Notes field and what they use it for.

I use the note field to give additional information for example:

  • links to websites related to the lesson
  • grammar explanations
  • links to related lessons for example the same lesson in another tense or from another perspective
  • links to a blog with photos according to this lesson (especially in my diary lessons)

But I’m not sure if members are aware of this and appreciate these additional efforts.

@donhamiltontx - At this time there is no way to print these additional resources.

Regarding your second question, are you referring to the notes for the lesson or the notes for individual LingQs themselves? Note that the two are different; notes for lessons are shown to everyone, whereas notes for LingQs are specific to your own account.

@Alex My second question referred to the notes from the Dashboard for the individual lingQs. So your answer covers that question, too. Thank you.