Sometimes I like to print the texts I am learning, but I find that on the printed pages the texts are much too big and there is too much space between each ligne. In that way I get easily 7 or 9 pages.

Could you show me how to print fastly the text in a common size and space.

If the print view isn’t ideal for a certain text, probably the best thing to do would be to copy and paste it into a text editor (e.g. Microsoft Word) and edit the formatting from there. This will also allow you to reduce the text size.

Hi Alex, It what I did, but takes too much time. But If it is the only solution…

At the moment I don’t think we’re looking to change anything on the Print page, so if the formatting isn’t working then it would be best to change the text in a text editor. You can, by the way, use the “Replace” function that is present in most text editors. This will allow you to quickly and easily remove extra spaces.