Premium subscription still has a LingQ limit

I recently upgraded to a one year Premium membership, but still have a LingQ limit when doing a “Review Due” on Android, receiving the following error message: "You do not have enough LingQs for this review… ". I was under the impression this limit was lifted when upgrading, or was I misinformed?


That message doesn’t have anything to do with your tier status, it just says that you don’t have enough LingQs to review in that specific lesson. You can instead review words directly from the Vocabulary page.


Zoran, this morning I spent over an hour doing a lesson, creating LingQs for words and phrases. When checking the stats I had -228/100 points, and I still receive the “you do not have enough LingQs for this review” message when clicking “Review due”. Is something malfunctioning, or am I not understanding something?

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@Ralf_CT This is a bug. Developers are looking into it and the fix should be included in the next app update. Thanks for your patience.



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Morning Zoran, is the negative number of points when adding LingQs also a bug?

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@Ralf_CT It’s not a bug. You get negative coins when you create LingQs from Known words.
When marking words known, you get coins, but if you later click on that same Known word and create a LingQ of it, your coins are removed, which is why the number can be negative.

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Morning Zoran, I find this negative system a little strange. If I LingQ words I do not know (which are also not highlighted), I get negative coins. The app assumes I know words I do no know. I could spend time listening to a lesson while doing my morning exercises, get my 100 points, and then lose them all when I later go through the exercise sentence by sentence, Lingqing words I do not know.

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@Ralf_CT New words (words you don’t know) appear as blue in a lesson. WHite words are Known (or ignored) and you already received coins for these words when you made them Known. If you then change the status of Known word and create a LingQ of it, you lose coins you previously received for making it Known.

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