Premium lessons

What makes a lesson a “premium lesson”? Why are some lessons “premium lessons”? Why do I have to pay for “premium lessons”? Does having some “premium lessons” on LingQ imply that LingQ is moving away from free lessons for its premium subscribers?

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Hi Ginkgo58,
Yes, we do have small number of Premium lessons at LingQ, uploaded by special providers who required points in exchange for studying their imports.

The overwhelming majority of lessons on LingQ are free. Some professional content providers offer their content for sale as Premium content. We may add additional premium content in the future but we are not moving away from Free content which continues to be added and shared all the time.

I once suggested to incorporate an e-bookshop in LINGQ in order to be able to read modern books on LINGQ. Could it be possible to realize this idea by means of premium lessons?

I’m not sure how you can describe the majority of the content as free when we pay a monthly fee?

The content itself is free but to truly take advantage of it by making LingQs etc, you pay.

That’s the point I was making I do pay. But Mark was saying some lessons are premium and must be paid for on an individual lesson basis but the rest are free. But they are not free as I pay monthly

They have no additional cost. You may use as many lessons as you want for the same price.

That’s not what Mark said above…“The overwhelming majority of lessons on LingQ are free. Some professional content providers offer their content for sale as Premium content.”

@ben Yes, this is the start of that kind of functionality. We would like to be able to source and offer contemporary books if possible someday in addition to all the free content we have.

You don’t pay for the lessons. You pay for the tools to study the lessons. There is a distinction there that you’re apparently not seeing.