[potential bug] Cannot copy text to lesson I created

I created a lesson using import of an article. The url is Yksi kuva kertoo, miten varallisuuserojen kuilu syvenee – perinnöt ja asuntojen arvonnousu kasautuvat, toisille perintö voi käydä kalliiksi. The sentence I want to copy is the complete title as a first line in my lesson. I can copy the line from the article, but the lesson accepts no paste. Neither with ctrl-v nor with paste or with paste-as-text.
The lesson is in my Quick Imports and is the last one in the quick imports, title starting with “Yksi kuva kertoo, …”.

I have no idea why the lesson refuses to paste the text. Can you help me?

EDIT: this is not the first time I encountered this problem, but it is the first time I reported it.

Can you please send me a lesson url to support(at)lingq.com? Thanks!

Did you click “Show/Hide Sentences” button? If sentence markers are shown, pasting text doesn’t work for whatever reason

Did all of it, with or without show sentences, the paste does not work. Usually this happens at the beginning of the lesson. I am sending the lessons url to support at the request of zoran. Stay tuned.

I have another lesson where it is impossible to copy a text line into the lesson where I need to add it. I will send you the lesson url and the article from which I am trying to copy 2 lines is:

The 2 lines are right below the weather chart, almost the last lines of the article.

Note. I noticed that whenever this occurs, the import program skips lines, it is directly after a picture. Also, these are the lines I cannot paste into the lesson. Apparantly this concerns more than just the copy paste. It also concerns the import.