Possible Typo in Italian Mini Story 59

Italian Mini Story 59 opens with a sentence that includes the expression “dell’e-book”. According to online dictionaries, “e-book” in Italian is masculine and is the same in both singular and plural. So should this expression be “del e-book” (or “degli e-book” if it’s plural). “Dell’e-book” looks like the feminine singular to me.


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There are three masculine singular definite articles:

  • lo (for words starting with the letters z, s+consonant, ps, and a few others)
  • l’ (for words starting with a vowel or an h)
  • il (for all other words)

So it’s: lo zaino, l’hotel, il tavolo → dello zaino, dell’hotel, del tavolo.

Hope this helps.

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I think this has something to do with the vowel! Just like e.g." le foglie dell’albero"

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Grazie. Yes, I guess it’s correct.

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