Possible problem

Hello everyone,
I have seen something that I think is a problem on the lingq counting system and it problem able me to “guile or cheat” to earn more points. Let me explain.
Assuming that I make a random lingq for example the word “another”, instantly that will appear a point for me and will show in my database that I made a lingq, OK, but if I put my lingq on “known” and then will appear in my “learned Lingq”, if I lingq the same word again in case “another” I will earn again other point. Plus if I turn again to “known” (everything in a range of a minutes) it will increase again my number of “learned lingq”.
Of course it is not a problem that will harm anyone, but is something that the Lingq system support could look at.

If you do this, will you know the language better? :slight_smile:

As I said. "Of course it is not a problem that will harm anyone, but is something that the Lingq system support could look at. "

Thanks for reporting this issue. It does appear to be a problem, as you say. We’ll get this fixed as soon as we can!