Portuguese not Brazilian Portuguese

Is there a way to get the voice that reads out words you highlight to read them out in a Portuguese voice rather than a Brazilian voice? Anyone have any idea or tips?


Go to Settings then go to App Settings > Reader

Scroll down to Text-To-Speech

There are 5 voices to choose from, two of which are PT instead of BR.


Oh! Thank you very much. I don’t like the sound of Br.

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I have this setting and I still feel like everything sounds Brazilian. But the AI voice is so bad it’s really hard to tell in any case, LOL.

A tip: use “YouGlish.” If you want to know how something is pronounced, go to YouGlish.com, select Portuguese, select PT or BR (depending which accent you want) and then search for that word. Every YouTube video where the word is spoken in that language will come up and you’ll hear it from native speakers in context, not out of context from a horrible AI voice that in no way mimics native speech. I don’t listen to the word anymore at all on LingQ (outside of context); if I’m wondering how it’s pronounced, I go to YouGlish. Of course, you can also then import those videos into LingQ and study them further.

This is also a super helpful site for finding interesting content and people/channels to follow :).


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