Polish website reports on LingQ

The following website reported on LingQ and other websites for online language learning. Can anyone translate this?

Oh , I forgot that when a URL wraps around our system puts in blank spaces which need to be removed when searching for the website.

Maybe it is better to just put the text here.

Internet jak szkoła językowa, czyli jak się uczyć języków
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Twój głos został dodany.
2008-07-13 16:33, aktualizacja: 2008-07-13 16:40:05
7 komentarzy +6 / 0 ocena pozytywna przeczytano: 558

Znajomość języków obcych jest niezbędna by poruszać się w dzisiejszym świecie. Czy uczyć się ich w szkołach językowych, czy postawić na samodzielną naukę? Internet jest dziś potężnym narzędziem do nauki. Korzystajmy więc!

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Screen z portalu do nauki języków / Fot. www.linkq.com"Wciąż obiecuję sobie, że zapiszę się na angielski, jednak zawsze stoi coś na przeszkodzie" - to jeden z wielu podobnych wpisów na pewnym portalu społecznościowym. Czy rzeczywiście nauka języka obcego wymaga pieniędzy, nużących zajęć w szkole językowej i kucia po powrocie do domu? W czasach kiedy wielu nie wyobraża sobie egzystencji bez dostępu do internetu, także rynek nauki języków obcych znalazł w nim swoje miejsce. Wystarczy kilka kliknięć by wyszukać kurs interesującego nas języka, a także szereg dodatkowych materiałów, które zamienią tradycyjną naukę w przyjemność poznawania nowej mowy i kultury.

Wśród rodzimych portali oferta jest wciąż dość skromna. Co nie oznacza, że nie ma w ogóle możliwości poznawania języka poprzez sieć. Istnieje chociażby portal www.ang.pl, ma on renomę miejsca, gdzie możemy zacząć przygodę z najpopularniejszymi językami europejskimi, oraz kontynuować ją na wyższych poziomach. Pogrupowane w kategorie tematyczne lekcje łagodnie wprowadzają we wszystkie najistotniejsze zagadnienia języka. Zamieszczone na stronie materiały mogą się przydać do powtórki przed egzaminem językowym Dodatkowo na stronie znajdziemy listę najczęściej stosowanych zwrotów w języku potocznym i wyrażenia, które przydają się w codziennej komunikacji.

Idealnym dodatkiem do nauki jest również strona www.slowka.pl. Osoby zainteresowane nauką, poszerzaniem słownictwa, otrzymują codziennie nowe słówka na adres e-mail. Taki system uczy systematyczności i nie pozwala zapomnieć o celu. Wymowy trudniejszych słówek nauczymy się dzięki dołączonym nagraniom.

“Człowiek, który zna dwa języki, wart jest dwóch ludzi” -
miał powiedzieć Napoleon Bonaparte. Z pewnością zgodzi się z tym każdy użytkownik globalnej sieci sprawnie posługujący się już językiem angielskim. Jego znajomość otwiera przed zmotywowanym do nauki człowiekiem zupełnie nowe możliwości. Użytkownicy internetu z całego świata przez lata stworzyli wiele materiałów, a nowe pomysły na naukę wciąż są realizowane. Im więcej języków znasz, tym łatwiej poznać jest kolejne.

Twórcy www.livemocha.com postawili na tradycyjną metodę nauki. Mają jednak świadomość jak istotny jest kontakt z osobami znającymi nasz ulubiony język. Wciąż tworzone i uzupełniane lekcje przebiegają w ten sam sposób i w podobnym zakresie w różnych językach. Po przebyciu kursu jednego języka łatwiej jest poukładać wiedzę z nowego. Lekcje podzielone są na działy: czytanie, pisanie, rozumienie ze słuchu i konwersacje. Ciekawie jest móc ocenić jak ktoś radzi sobie z językiem polskim, a później chwali nasze postępy we włoskim. Jest to też świetna okazja do poznania nowych ludzi. Kto wie, może kiedyś spotkamy się w rzeczywistym świecie?

Dla największych maniaków i domowych lingwistów rajem jest z www.unilang.org. To miejsce, stworzone przez kilku pasjonatów jest obecnie dla wielu mekką. Lekcje, teksty, wyjaśnienia największych kruczków językowych dostępne są dla języka katalońskiego, Suahili czy nawet Lakota - języka Indian plemienia Sioux. Jeśli i tego jest komuś mało, nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie by poznać sztuczne języki, czy nawet stworzyć własny!

Być może poznawanie nowych słówek kojarzy się wielu z wkuwaniem i ciągłym powtarzaniem nowych zwrotów. Amerykanin Steve Kaufmann swoje 40-letnie doświadczenie postanowił przekazać internautom i stworzył platformę nauki www.lingq.com. Wśród nowych tekstów z każdej dziedziny życia możemy odnaleźć nowe słówka i dodać je do podręcznej bazy. Nowo poznawane słówka możemy następnie ćwiczyć i przyswoić sobie używając komputerowych fiszek. Za opłatą dostępny jest nawet prywatny nauczyciel, który oceni nasze wypracowania i skomentuje wymowę.

Internet daje dostęp do różnych metod nauki. Od zwykłych stron oferujących lekcje krok po kroku, metod nauki poprzez styczność z nowym słownictwem, po słuchowiska - podcasty - tworzone przez samych internautów. W połączeniu z dobrym słownikiem wyjaśniającym odmiany gramatyczne czy użycie słówek z języka potocznego (np. www.wordreference.com) każdy jest obecnie w stanie uczyć się samemu, w zaciszu domowym.

Wszyscy mamy własne, skuteczne metody nauki, wiele osób jeszcze ich nie poznało. Być może nauka nowoczesnymi metodami jest właśnie dla Ciebie. Dla najmłodszych jest to cenne źródło pomocy w nauce, dla tych starszych, możliwość rozruszania zasiedziałego umysłu. Nic nie daje większej satysfakcji jak duma z odnalezienia się w obcym kraju po kilku miesiącach zupełnie samodzielnej nauki obcego języka.

Knowing foreign languages in today’s world is a must. The question is should we do it in language schools or on our own. Nowadays the Internet is a powerful tool for learning. Let’s make use of it!

“Still I promise to myself that I will enroll an English course but there is always something keeping me from it” – this is a common post from some community portal.

Does it really learning a language requires money, tedious language school classes and doing lots of homework? In the times where very few people can imagine a life without the Internet, it became also a place for a language teaching market. Only few clicks will do for us to be able to find out a course for the language of interest and also a bunch of additional materials which will make traditional learning a pleasure of exploring new speech and culture.

The list of what home’s portals have to offer is short. But that does not mean there is no possibility for learning a language in the web. There exist for example the portal named www.ang.pl that is known for a place where one can start his adventure with the most common European languages or to continue it on more advanced levels. It has lessons grouped in theme categories that make easy introduction to every most substantial language topic. Materials that can be found on the site can be useful for preparing for a language test. Additionally on the site there is a list of most common used sentences from colloquial language and the phrases that are useful in daily communication.

An ideal resource for learning is also a page www.slowka.pl. People interested in broadening their vocabulary can receive new words on emails. Such a system teaches to be systematic and does not allow forgetting the goal. The pronunciation of more difficult words can also be learned through attached audio files.

„A man who knows two languages is worth two men.” – is what Napoleon Bonaparte might have said. For sure every user of a global network who already fluently uses English language will agree with the statement. Knowing English gives utterly new opportunities for a motivated learner. Users of the web around the world created many materials and new ideas for teaching and learning are still being developed. The more languages you know the easier it is to learn more.

Creators of www.livemocha.com decided on traditional learning method. Though they are aware on how important it is to be in touch with people knowing our favorite language. Still being developed and refined lessons take course the same way in the same scope in different languages. So after getting through one course it is easier to take another one. Lessons are divided into sections: reading, writing, listening and speaking. It is interesting to be able to assess progress in our language of someone who afterwards does the same for us. It is a great opportunity to meet new people. Who knows, perhaps there will be occasion to meet in the real world?

For the biggest maniacs and home linguists there is a paradise: www.unilang.org. The place created by few passionate people became Mecca for many. Lessons, texts, explanations of hardest language tricks are accessible there for languages: Catalonian, Suahili or even Lakota – the language of Indians from the Siux tribe. If it was still two little for someone there is nothing that would keep him from learning artificial languages or even creating his own.

Perhaps the process of learning new words for many people means to swot and constant repeating new phrases. An American (sic. :wink: Steve Kaufmann decided to convey his 40 year experience to web users and created a system www.lingq.com. Amongst new texts from every field we can find new words and add them to a handy database. Newly selected words we can then practice and learn using computer flash cards. For a price there is even a private teacher who assesses our writings and gives comments on our pronunciation.

The internet gives access to different methods of learning. From usual pages that offer lessons step by step, expose to new vocabulary, to podcasts created by users themselves. With a good dictionary at hand that would explain grammar and colloquial word use (for example www.wordreference.com) everybody is now able to learn on his own, at his own house.

We all have our own, effective learning methods. Many people did not get to know them. Maybe the learning through modern methods is just for you. For the youngest they are valuable learning sources. For older people they are an opportunity to have an exercise for their brain. Nothing gives you bigger satisfaction then to be able to get by on in a foreign country after few months of self study.

Wow! Marcin many thanks.

I am exhaused :wink:

It is late night in Poland so I am going to sleep.

I am an intermediate English student and I would very much appreciate for any comment on my writing and my English use. I would give the text for correction if I had some spare points.

I hope you will like it.

One more thing.

It is harder for me to translate than to just write thoughts because I somehow follow word order from my own language. I hope the text will be comprehensible.


It flows very naturally. I did make a few changes. Anything in brackets should be deleted. Thanks a lot.

It is probably late now, but if you are able to put in your opinion about LingQ on this or similar websites that is always greatly appreciated.

Here are my corrections:

Knowing foreign languages in today’s world is a must. The question is, should we do it in language schools or on our own. Nowadays, the Internet is a powerful tool for learning. Let’s make use of it!

“(Still) I always promise (to) myself that I will enroll in an English course but there is always something keeping me from it” – this is a common post (from) on some community portals.

(Does) Is it really true that learning a language requires money, tedious language school classes and doing lots of homework? (In the times) At a time where very few people can imagine (a) life without the Internet, (it) the Internet has also become ( became also) a place for a language teaching market. Only a few clicks (will do) are needed for us to be able to find (out) a course for the language of interest and also a bunch of additional materials which will make traditional learning a pleasure of exploring a new (speech) language and culture.

The list of what (home’s portals) different websites have to offer is short. But that does not mean there is no possibility for learning a language (in) on the web. There exists, for example the (portal) website named www.ang.pl that is known for a place where one can start his adventure with the most common European languages or (to) continue in it to (on) more advanced levels. It has lessons grouped in theme categories that make easy introductions to (every) most substantial language topics. Materials that can be found on the site can be useful for preparing for a language test. Additionally on the site there is a list of the most commonly used sentences from colloquial language and the phrases that are useful in daily communication.

An ideal resource for learning is also (a page) www.slowka.pl. People interested in broadening their vocabulary can receive new words on emails. Such a system teaches you to be systematic and does not allow you to forget(ting) your (the) goal. The pronunciation of more difficult words can also be learned through attached audio files.

„A man who knows two languages is worth two men.” – is what Napoleon Bonaparte might have said. For sure every user of a global network who already fluently uses English language will agree with the statement. Knowing English gives (utterly) great new opportunities for a motivated learner. Users of the web around the world created many materials and new ideas for teaching, and learning are still being developed. The more languages you know the easier it is to learn more.

Creators of www.livemocha.com decided on a traditional learning method. Though they are aware of (on) how important it is to be in touch with people through knowing our favorite languages. Still being developed and refined, learners (lessons) take courses the same way, in the same pattern (scope) in different languages. So after getting through one course it is easier to take another one. Lessons are divided into sections: reading, writing, listening and speaking. It is interesting to be able to assess someone’s progress in our language on behalf of someone who afterwards does the same for us. It is a great opportunity to meet new people. Who knows, perhaps there will be occasion to meet in the real world?

For the biggest maniacs and home linguists there is a paradise: www.unilang.org. The place created by few passionate people became Mecca for many. Lessons, texts, explanations of hardest language tricks are accessible there for languages: Catalonian, Suahili or even Lakota – the language of Indians from the Sioux tribe. If it was still too (two) little for someone, there is nothing that would keep him from learning artificial languages or even creating his own.

Perhaps the process of learning new words for many people means sweating (to swot) and constant repeating new phrases. An American (sic. :wink: Steve Kaufmann decided to convey his 40 year experience to web users and created a system www.lingq.com. Amongst new texts from every field we can find new words and add them to a handy database. Newly selected words can then be reviewed and learned (we can then practice and learn) using computer flash cards. For a price there is even a private teacher who assesses our writings and gives comments on our pronunciation.

The internet gives access to different methods of learning, from (. From) usual websites (pages) that offer lessons step by step, expose us to new vocabulary, to podcasts created by users themselves. With a good dictionary at hand that can (would) explain grammar and colloquial word use (for example www.wordreference.com) everybody is now able to learn on his own, at his own house.

We all have our own, effective learning methods. Many people did not get to know them. Maybe (the) learning through modern methods is just for you. For the youngest they are valuable learning sources. For older people they are an opportunity to get (have an) exercise for their brain. Nothing gives you bigger satisfaction then to be able to get by (on) in a foreign country after few months of self study.


Hi guys. It is me, who wrote that article. I started using the site some time ago and still use it from time to time and in my personal opinion it is one of the most useful resources for learning. I’d like to see some more features, extend some others (yeah, I’m a programmer myself so it’s part of my job to think about such things) or to see some more languages. I’ll put it in some other threads when I look around the forum.

Nice to see the article came here :slight_smile:

Marcin Kozioł