Points to shared account

I have just realized, with great pleasure, that this account I share with Chiara has been awarded points for the lessons we added to the Italian library. However, neither of us uses this account to have writings corrected or to talk to tutors, so I’m wondering if it would be possible to split those points in two parts (maybe according to the number of lessons each of us recorded) and move them to our personal accounts.

Yes, you can do it.
Berta and I have a shared account and we are in the same situation. You just have to ask to Mark for splitting the points to your accounts.

For many of these administrative questions you will be addressing them to Alex now. This split account is just a stop gap measure and we hope eventually to set up a more efficient way of dealing with this, but for now just let Alex know.

@michelechiara - Yes, we will do this for you. In fact, the best place to ask about issues like this is by emailing support. It is really not a forum issue. Email support when you notice points in this account and want them split.

Hi again! This shared account has earned more points for the lessons shared. Would it be possible to split them between our two single accounts again and in the coming months too?

Please address this kind of question to support as Mark suggested.