Why does the transcript for my podcast cut off at 62 pages? It’s only about the first half hour. If there’s a limitation why not just split the podcast up into separate parts like the ebook uploads?
I’m having the same problem with one of my favorite podcasts - he rambles on delightfully in an interesting (hard to understand) accent, often for around 2 hours, but the transcript (and my ability to understand his accent) stops around a half hour to 40 min into the podcast.
Please provide a way for me to understand works that go longer than 30 min !!! !!! !!!
If watching the video subtitles was a workable work-around, I’d be doing that and wouldn’t need lingq at all.
Sorry to hear that. Do you get part 1 only and rest of the text never imports?
I get the first part only with no other part(s) in sight. Where there would normally be a next part listed, there is absolutely nothing shown
fyi, this issue is really throwing a proverbial wet blanket on my efforts.
The same is happening with YouTube import. Before, long contents were imported into a few lessons. Now only the first part, usually 30 minutes, is imported.
my imports are also from YouTube.
Thanks, we are investigating the issue.
Having the same issue, in addition to that, I am sometimes also missing the first part of podcast (transcript starts around 30’ for example). Every imported Podcast with less than 30’ is working, everything above is a mess.
Plus: Since yesterday I am not able to upload podcasts for auto-transcript anymore. Even though the system says successfully imported, it does not show up. YouTube is working though.
@stefan1403 We pushed a fix and things should be back to normal now.
I got the same issue today. I uploaded audio file, which is around 105 minutes, then generated text for it. The audio was uploaded successfully but each time (I tried several times) the text cut off at 38th page.
As of yesterday, my YouTube import was still cut off around 30 minutes.
Sorry to hear! I asked out team to look into this again.
I just imported from YouTube and it again cut it off at about 40 min