Plug in - please help

I’m a newbie on Lingq and didn’t see this topic posted and am wondering if someone knows what might be an issue:
When I go on YouTube and click on plugin to import, it says ‘come back to Library’ and nothing happens. Last night I tried with three videos and during a couple of hours I was on Lingq they did not ‘show up’ in a library. This morning I see two of them there.

What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance.

The video you’re importing can be found either in the imported lessons or in “pending”. If you don’t open them, they’ll just stay there. In the lessons tab, only lessons that you’ve previosly opened are present.

I do see them, but it was hours after clicking. I’m ready to study right away. How to see them?

Hi @slavanow,

Sometimes it takes longer to import your lessons.

It’s not usually hours, but if the demand is high on the servers than, maybe it can take that long (?).

What I usually do is import, and then go to my lessons dashboard and refresh the page to see if the popup appears (top right-hand corner of the screen) that my lesson has been imported.

Note: The popup for a successfully imported lesson can appear and disappear quickly — if you’re not looking for it you could miss it.

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Thank you. I thought I was doing something wrong. I kinda expected to see this right away.

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There is still something wrong. I’ve uploaded a 10 minutes video and it has been several days it is still not available.
Also I’ve uploaded a 53 seconds YouTube video about an hour ago and it is still not ready.