Please support the popups setting

iOS LingQ app 5.5.30
iOS iPad 17.5.1

Enhancement request

I deliberately have the streak and milestones setting turned off. For a long time the LingQ app has nagged with a popup if a streak is broken, even if this setting is set to off. Several of us have requested, for some time, that this be changed.

Now with one of the recent releases it is also issuing a pop up if my activity has increased or decreased. This is annoying and even demotivating for me personally. I’m starting to get Duolingo ptsd.

Please honor the popups setting and cease streak and activity popups if it is off. Thanks for your consideration.


Yes, I agree. The “activity has changed” pop-up is annoying; especially when your activity happens to “hover” right around the threshold, so you get the same pop-up day after day…

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Thanks, I’ll forward this to our team.