Please help me!

I haven’t received a set of words for review since September 25. When I sought help, II got a response from the help department that said:

Our developer checked your account and what we can confirm is that most of your LingQs on the “SRS (Due For Review)” will come for review in future and that this less number of LingQs you are currently receiving is just a temporary, because you reviewed most of your active LingQs on SRS page. It’s not a bug, that’s how the system works.
You will soon start receiving full list of LingQs.

I wrote back to say that I didn’t understand this reply but have not gotten any further response. Nor have I started receiving lists of words for review. I left some phone messages but no replies and I have never been able to reach a human being to talk to despite many tries. Sooooooo–can anyone here tell me what I did to cause this problem and how I might be able to fix it. I’ll be so GRATEFUL for your help!

Hi cheska99,
I checked your account and looks like you were unsubscribed from our email system. Not sure if you unsubscribed by mistake or there was any other problem, but I have just subscribed you back and you should be receiving all LingQ emails regularly from now on.

Thanks Zoran

Well, it was nice while it lasted, but I’ve been dropped off again and not getting words to review any more. Please let me remind you that a) i’m paying for this service (usually very happily) and that it’s been six weeks that I’ve been having this problem.

Hi again,
Sorry about that, but the reason why you keep being unsubscribed automatically from our email system is because our email is marked as a spam in your email client. Please make sure to remove us from spam list and you will be receiving all emails regularly. I subscribed you back now.