Please Help LingQ Support - Cannot Delete Language Stats and Then Re-Add Language

Please Help LingQ Support - I had Spanish and Portuguese stats that I wanted to reset so I deleted them. Now I’m trying to re-add them and don’t see them. Sometimes they magically reappear too with all the Known Word stats which I don’t want and then delete them again and then I can’t find them in the language list again.

@StewartLikesLingQ Strange, we will check that. In the meantime, you can just change the URL and add language code for these two languages:
PT: Login - LingQ
ES: Login - LingQ

Thanks. So I deleted the languages again today, the languages still don’t appear, then tried your suggestion but unfortunatly it’s not working, it just loads an english library or a timeout occurs.

@StewartLikesLingQ The first language code should remain EN; that’s the interface language. You should change the second one to PT or ES. Please try again.

Ok i will. Just an idea about the issue I am having, is it possible the app is interfering with the deletion? I’m opening the app after I delete the languages and Spanish and Portuguese never disappear.

@StewartLikesLingQ We will look into that too.

Great. Sorry to be a bother, nobody is replying to my emails so I’ll just post here. I’m waiting to start studying again until this is fixed. Any ETA on when it could be? I honestly don’t mind if you just do a hard reset / format all data on my account if that’s the easiest way. I’d even take a brand new account but I assume that’s more difficult.

@StewartLikesLingQ Are you still unable to access Portuguese and Spanish? Did you try adding the language code in the URL as I suggested (study language code, not the interface language)?
Our developers are looking into this issue and we expect to push a fix soon.

Great thanks. Ya I can access the languages now. It’s just a matter of not wanting to reset them all over again when the devs push the fix but I’ll just get started anyway and deal with it. Thanks for the update.

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@StewartLikesLingQ Great, thanks for letting me know. No worries, there won’t be any issues, feel free to study as usual.

Hi @zoran, I just logged in again to see if the bug was fixed and it is! Thanks to you and the team for helping solve that so now I can start from scratch again as I wished. Have a good one

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@StewartLikesLingQ You’re welcome. Happy learning!