It would be great add percentage of unknown words stat in addition to percentage of new words and percentage of lingqs in a lesson.
Percentage of unknown words is a better measure of overall lesson difficulty than just the percentage of new words.
It would be great add percentage of unknown words stat in addition to percentage of new words and percentage of lingqs in a lesson.
Percentage of unknown words is a better measure of overall lesson difficulty than just the percentage of new words.
In addition to the amount of blue words and what percentage this corresponds to, it shows you the amount of LingQ’ed (yellow) words, too. I assume these are the ones you are refering to by unknown.
New Words are actually blue words, words you haven’t encountered before, so that’s the same thing as unknown words. Or are you referring to something else?
I guess he meant words not yet memorized, which then would include the yellow ones. Although I am not sure whether all of them or just certain levels (like 3+ or so).
@zoran as @Obsttorte said by “unknown” I mean all words that have not yet been marked as “known” in the app including new words and stages 1-4.
This would give an overall indication of what percentage of words would need to be looked up when reading something.
Would it be useful to have the distribution of the words displayed graphically? I mean, if you just count all words together that range from knew to stage 1, the information provided by the resulting number is very vague, too, as the resulting numbers meaning heavely depends on the distribution.
I was thinking about something like this
where the length of the strips below the green one represents the percentages.
Yes. % of blue words can be 0% and it’s still a difficult challenge as many may be yellow.
I’ve stopped marking blue words as yellow. But this can be reduces the value of the numbers.
I see what you’re saying. That’s not in plans at the moment, but I’ll add to wishlist and we’ll see what we can do in the future updates.
Wow this is a great idea!
I really like this idea. This would give great insight into the lesson to come without cluttering the interface with yet another percentage.