Please add Morfix dictionary for Hebrew

The Google Translate dictionary for Hebrew is pretty bad, so I find myself flipping through tabs a lot to get my own definitions of Hebrew words on Morfix, . Is there any way that the LingQ staff could add the Morfix dictionary for Hebrew?

Hi bencohen,
Morfix dictionary was already available for Hebrew to English combination, and should now be available for English to Hebrew too. Please check.

Oh, I had no idea! Thank you. How do I go about using the dictionary?

When you are on the lesson page, click on the blue word and then on “Search Dictionary” option on the right side of the screen, under suggested hints. After that you will notice “View Dictionary” button on the top right and click on the dropdown button next to it and then on “Edit Dictionary Settings”. Select Morfix dictionary and that’s it.
After that every time when you click on the blue word it will be enough just to click on “Search (Morfix)” button on the right and Morfix dictionary will appear right away.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any additional questions.

Thank you!!