Playlist problem

Hello, I have a problem with the playlist.
I have some audio files that can be played only partially. For example I have an audio of 24 minutes, the correct time is displayed, but once you start listening, it plays only for around 3 minutes. The audio is from an ebook I imported that contains some English and some Chinese. I tried on the ios app and on the web version of LingQ and the problem occurs on both platforms.
I would like LingQ to investigate and solve the problem.

Is the problem in the Playlist only? Can you play the complete audio if you open that lesson?

I tried, I have the same problem in the playlist and inside the lesson. If it happens in the playlist, it stops and skips to the next lesson, instead inside the lesson it just gets stuck without doing anything. It happens after about 3 minutes. I don’t know why. Maybe it only happens while importing some ebooks. Before I didn’t have audio problems while listening to some other lessons on LingQ.

Thanks, we will look into it.

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