
For those of you interested in hearing a dialect of one of north Germany’s official languages, I have recorded a story (not written by me) in Plattdeutsch. Please bear in mind that I haven’t spoken it since early childhood. It is bit of a schoolboy humour kind of story, but I couldn’t help laughing when I read it this morning. The writer kindly gave me permission to use it. I have added a full translation into standard German. I am quite happy to do an English translation should the need arise.

I keep forgetting to add the most important bit: Here’s the link to the fledgling collection

I have a feeling the link about is wrong. If ever I find the lesson again in the library, I shall post the correct link!

I have now also added the English translation. I had to explain the north German humour a bit, but hope it has survived it.

Very interesting, there aren’t much Plattdeutsch learning resources on the web. I’ll have to check it out.

Just out of curiosity, which part of north Germany are you from?

I came across this story via Twitter and thought it would be fun just to illustrate what Plattdeutsch is. I grew up in Schleswig-Holstein but was born in the East bi den Mekkelburger Bu’urn.

Does “Platt” literally mean “flat” in English?

Yes, that’s right. It also means ‘low’. The language is also known as low German (Niederdeutsch). It used to be spoken across most of northern Europe. Until 1871 it was still an official language in quite a few of the northern principalities and dukedoms. Later it was seen as common and was frowned upon. Towards the end of the 20th century it regained its status as a distinct language, not a dialect of German. I grew up hearing Plattdüütsch - as it is called by many, but was never allowed to speak it at home.

I suppose I first saw the word “Niederdeutsch” in a German grammar textbook about forty years ago.
Thank you, SanneT.

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We recited the above words like a mantra.

Der Text des Beitrags gefällt dem Leser, der (welcher) den Text liest.

I am getting on my own nerves with this thread. Please forgive me, some things just take a little bit longer.

This link should be the right one: Plattdeutsch - LingQ Language Library

I repeat the key things: humour, some explanations, I’ve added standard German and English translations. Read, though not written by me.

I am currently collecting a mass of high-quality content in Plattdeutsch (some of which I have written or translated myself and had corrected and recorded by native speakers). As soon as I have enough content (2 hours of beginner’s material and 5 hours each of intermediate and advanced material), I am going to go to Steve to ask him to add it to LingQ.

I am currently cooperating with some people here in Hamburg to try and help “revive” the language. If you or anyone else on LingQ would like to help, I would be very grateful!

I am also going to submit a request to Duolingo to add a Plattdeutsch course in German, which I would create myself along with a small team of native speakers from different regions of Northern Germany.