Paypal problem

I am new here. I want to upgrade my account, but I can’t.

I have only paypal account without credit card. Can I upgrade my account somehow otherwise?
I have money on my paypal but, to upgrade this account I need credit card, but i don’t have it.

Hi Marlord,

You should be able to pay just fine without a credit card when using PayPal. Just select PayPal when trying to upgrade and click “Upgrade my account”. Then, when you are taken to PayPal’s website, just log in on the right hand side of the page.

@Marlord - You can try as Alex suggests but you will need a “Verified” Paypal account in order to sign up for a recurring payment and that may not be available in your country or possible for you. If it doesn’t work, you can still buy a 6-month membership here, Login - LingQ. All Paypal accounts can buy 6-month memberships.

@alex and @mark I have “Verified” Paypal account. I did what alex told but this did not help. I log in an Paypal and it still want to add credit card. Look . Sentence in red box mean: To complete the payment to: The Linguist Institute, add a new credit card. So I still can’t upgrade my account.

@Marlord - Do you see this after you log in to your Paypal account? If you upgrade and then choose Paypal, you should next have to log in to your Paypal account. If it then asks you for a credit card after you have logged into PayPal, then I guess recurring payments will not work for you in your country. You will then have to buy a 6-month membership using the link above.

But now I don’t have enought money for 6-month memberships… I want only upragde my account already for one month to try this system…

Unfortunately, if you can’t set up a recurring payment, your only option is a six month membership. If after one month you are not happy, let us know and we will refund the other 5 months.

In Poland do they have prepaid debit cards?
You can get one of those and put just enough money on it for the cost of membership.
That’s what I do.

@SolYViento Can I buy credit card in internet? I think we don’t have this in Poland.

@mark Maybe you upgrade my account and then I pay you 10$ by normal paypal?

@Marlord - I’ll tell you what Marlord. Since you’re having trouble paying send us $10 and we’ll upgrade you for a month. Email support (at) lingq (dot) com for more information.

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